Terms & Conditions
Visitors who stop by this site, are accepting these terms and conditions. Therefore, they must read each of the conditions carefully.
All content in this site, including text, graphics, images, logos, button icons, compilations, digital downloads, data and software, are Chandan Puri’s property. In fact, the content in the site are protected by Indian and international copyright laws.
License and Site Access
Clients are granted a limited license to access and even personally use this site. They cannot download or modify any area of the site without the written consent of Chandan Puri. The license excludes resale of this site and its contents, any kind of collection and using any kind of product listings, prices, descriptions, downloading, copying the account information which benefits any other party or merchant, gathering of similar data and tools extraction. Using any meta tags and hidden texts using the name and trademark of the website is prohibited and any party who intends to do it has to take written consent of the owner of the site, Chandan Puri. Visitors get a revocable, limited and non-exclusive right to create a hyperlink only to the home page of this site as long as it does not cause any loss to Chandan Puri and his website. Also, the other party has to take care that creating the hyperlink to the home page does not mislead the website and get it involved into offensive matter. Other parties do not get the right to use logo or any proprietary graphic and trademark without the permission of Chandan Puri.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liability
This website is provided by Chandan Puri on the basis of an “As Is” and “As Available”. The visitors have to visit the site and agree that their use of this website is at their own risk. Chandan Puri does not warrant that the server of this site, the e-mails sent from it and the site in total are free of viruses and other unsafe components.
Site Policies and Modification
The policies of the site and the Conditions of Use are subject to changes without prior notice.